69. Pernilla Andersson 2006. Four Essays on Self-Employment.
68. Helena Holmlund 2006. Education and the Family. Essays in Empirical Labour Economics.
67. Lars Brännström 2006. Phantom of the Neighbourhood. Longitudinal Studies on Area-based Conditions and Individual Outcomes.
66. Pathric Hägglund 2006. Natural and Classical Experiments in Swedish Labour Market Policy.


65. Åsa Olli Segendorf 2005. Job Search Strategies and Wage Effects for Immigrants.
64. Ingrid Esser 2005. Why Work? Comparative Studies on Welfare Regimes and Individuals’ Work Orientations.


63. Kent Friberg 2004. Essays on Wage and Price Formation in Sweden.

62. Gabriella Sjögren 2004. Essays on Personnel Economics and Gender Issues.
61. Marie Evertsson 2004. Facets of Gender: Analyses of the Family and the Labour Market.


60. Kenneth Nelson 2003. Fighting Poverty: Comparative Studies on Social Insurance, Means-tested Benefits and Income Redistribution.
59. Jenny Säve-Söderbergh 2003. Essays on Gender Differences in Economic Decision-Making.


58. Tommy Ferrarini 2002. Parental Leave Institutions in Eighteen Post-war Welfare States.
57. Charlotte Samuelsson 2002. Att göra eller inte göra...Arbetslösas fritidsdeltagande, sökaktivitet, anställningsmöjligheter och tidsstruktur.
56. Roger Vilhelmsson 2002. Wages and Unemployment of Immigrants and Natives in Sweden.
55. Sara Ström 2002. A Shared Experience. Studies on Families and Unemployment.
54. Ann-Christin Jans 2002. Notifications and Job Losses on the Swedish Labour Market.


53. Susanne Alm 2001. The Resurgence of Mass Unemployment. Studies on Social Consequences of Joblessness in Sweden in the 1990s.
52. Björn Öckert 2001. Effects of Higher Education and the Role of Admission Selection.
51. Magnus Bygren 2001. Career Outcomes in the Swedish Labor Market: Three Contextual Studies.
50. Per Gillström 2001. Fair Care: Four Essays on Allocation and Utilization of Health Care.
49. Per Båvner 2001. Half Full or Half Empty? Part-time Work and Well-being Among Swedish Women.
48. Carin Lennartsson 2001. Still in Touch. Family Contact, Activities and Health Among the Elderly in Sweden.
47. Mia Hultin 2001. Consider her Adversity. Four Essays on Gender Inequality in the Labor Market.


46. Ann-Zofie E. Duvander 2000. Couples in Sweden, Studies on Family and Work.
45. Ingalill Montanari 2000. Social Citizenship and Work in Welfare States: Comparative Studies on Convergence and on Gender.
44. Ingemar Kåreholt 2000. Social Class and Mortality Risk.
43. Mikael Lindahl 2000. Studies of Causal Effects in Empirical Labor Economics.
42. Ola Sjöberg 2000. Duties in the Welfare State. Working and Paying for Social Rights.


41. Magnus Nermo 1999. Structured by Gender. Patterns of Sex Segregation in the Swedish Labour Market. Historical and Cross-national Comparisons.
40. Helena Persson 1999. Essays on Labour Demand and Career Mobility.
39. Peter Skogman Thoursie 1999. Disability and Work in Sweden.
38. Eero Carroll 1999. Emergence and Structuring of Social Insurance Institutions: Comparative Studies on Social Policy and Unemployment Insurance.
37. Gunnar Isacsson 1999. Essays on the Twins Approach in Empirical Labor Economics.
36. Christian Kjellström 1999. Essays on Investment in Human Capital.


35. Anna Thoursie 1998. Studies on Unemployment Duration and on the Gender Wage Gap.
34. Olof Bäckman 1998. Longitudinal Studies on Sickness Absence in Sweden.
33. Lena Granqvist 1998. A Study of Fringe Benefits. Analysis Based on Finnish Micro Data.
32. Michael Gähler 1998. Life After Divorce. Economic, Social and Psychological Well-being Among Swedish Adults and Children Following Family Dissolution.
31. Helen Dryler 1998. Educational Choice in Sweden: Studies on the Importance of Gender and Social Contexts.
30. Kristiina Manderbacka 1998. Questions on Survey Questions on Health.


29. Håkan Regnér 1997. Training at the Job and Training for a New Job: Two Swedish Studies.
28. Katarina Richardson 1997. Essays on Family and Labor Economics.
27. Stig Blomskog 1997. Essays on the Functioning of the Swedish Labour Market.


26. Viveca Östberg 1996. Social Structure and Children's Life Chances. An Analysis of Child Mortality in Sweden.


25. Irene Wennemo 1994. Sharing the Costs of Children. Studies on the Development of Family Support in the OECD Countries.
24. Tomas Korpi 1994. Escaping Unemployment. Studies in the Individual Consequences of Unemployment and Labour Market Policy.
23. Maria Nyström Peck 1994. Childhood Class, Body Height and Adult Health. Studies on the Relationship between Childhood Social Class, Adult Height and Illness and Mortality in Adulthood.


22. Hjördis D'Agostino 1992. Why Do Workers Join Unions? A Comparison of Sweden and OECD Countries.
21. Christina Axelsson 1992. Hemmafrun som försvann. Övergången till lönearbete bland gifta kvinnor i Sverige 1968-1981.
20. Göran Sidebäck 1992. Kampen om barnets själ. Barn- och ungdomsorganisationer för fostran och normbildning 1850-1980, Carlssons.


19. Olli Kangas 1991. The Politics of Social Rights. Studies on the Dimensions of Sickness Insurance in OECD Countries.
18. Lena Schröder 1991. Springpojkar och språngbrädor. Om orsaker till och åtgärder mot ungdomars arbetslöshet.
17. Eugenia Kazamaki 1991. Firm Search, Sectoral Shifts, and Unemployment, Almqvist and Wiksell International.
16. Johan Fritzell 1991. Icke av marknaden allena: Inkomstfördelningen i Sverige, Almqvist and Wiksell International.


15. Mahmood Arai 1990. Essays on Non-Competitive Wage Differentials, Almqvist and Wiksell International.
14. Joakim Palme 1990. Pension Rights in Welfare Capitalism. The Development of Old-Age Pensions in 18 OECD Countries 1930 to 1985.
13. Sven E Olsson 1990. Social Policy and Welfare State in Sweden, Arkiv.
12. Susanne Oxenstierna 1990. From Labour Shortage to Unemployment? The Soviet Labour Market in the 1980s, Almqvist and Wiksell International.
11. Olle Lundberg 1990. Den ojämlika ohälsan. Om klass- och könsskillnader i sjuklighet, Almqvist and Wiksell International.
10. Sten-Åke Stenberg 1990. Vräkt ur folkhemmet, Carlssons.


9. Ryszard Szulkin 1989. Privat eller offentligt? Organisationsstruktur och arbetsförhållanden under olika ägandeformer, Almqvist and Wiksell International.
8. Carl le Grand 1989. Interna arbetsmarknader, ekonomisk segmentering och social skiktning. En studie av arbetslivsstrukturer, anställningsstabilitet och löneskillnader, Almqvist and Wiksell International.


7. Jaime Behar 1988. Trade and Employment in Mexico, Almqvist and Wiksell International.
6. Jan O. Jonsson 1988. Utbildning, social reproduktion och social skiktning, Almqvist and Wiksell International.
5. Peter Hedström 1988. Structures of Inequality: A Study of Stratification within Work Organizations, Almqvist and Wiksell International.


4. Lennart Erixon 1987. Profitability in Swedish Manufacturing - Trends and Explanations, Almqvist and Wiksell International.
3. Lucienne Portocarero 1987. Social Mobility in Industrial Societies: Women in France and Sweden, Almqvist and Wiksell International.
2. Michael Tåhlin 1987. Arbetets värde och kostnader. En studie av lönearbetets konsekvenser för individen. Almqvist and Wiksell International.


1. Ante Farm 1986. A Model of the Price Mechanism. Almqvist and Wiksell International.